News Release - 1976 - Community
News Release - 1976 - A Community Within a Community
News Release
CONTACT: Robert K. Berry 464-5097
Several months ago, when certain people preferred a factory on the 2.5 acres that now is the home of Historic Murray Hill Square, they could have had no idea of the concept in the mind of owner-builder Nat Conti.
Already, in this beautiful living monument to historic New Providence, has the community responded to the "Colonial hospitality" offered by the Square. Women's clubs, service organizations, civic groups and fund raising committees have been planning meetings and social functions in the rooms of Historic Murray Hill Square. And all courtesy of Historic Murray Hill Square.
"We've created an atmosphere reflecting the charm and warmth of the elegant past," says Mr. Conti. “We intend to live up to that atmosphere.”
Even the Historic Murray Hill Square logo, the pineapple, is the sign of Colonial hospitality. Colonial architects often designed it above doors, hitching posts, over windows and on roof tops.
Plans for the future at the Square include a building set aside purposefully for community use. "We want to share our feeling of hospitality with the rest of the community, "Mr. Conti says. "We like people to enjoy our shops, our decor, and our sense of history.
There is more to historic New Providence than just buildings and the community spirit of our ancestors who changed the name of the town from Turkey to New Providence seems to be rising again in the historic restorations and reproductions of Historic Murray Hill Square.
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